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时间:2023-05-06来源:银河线路检测中心 作者:点击数:



主讲人:冯阔 银河线路检测中心

主持人:王泽荣 银河线路检测中心






Regional Favoritism in Chinese University Admissions


After carefully reviewing data collected between 2008-2015 on inter-provincial admissions of nearly 1300 Chinese undergraduate universities, while the political turnover of city- and province-level party secretaries served as an instrument. It became evident that hometown ties of high-ranking administrators in a higher learning institution, increase the enrollments by almost 11%. This observed increase is typically tied to top academic administrators practice of recruiting students with lower scores in Gaokao from their individual hometowns and provinces. Although such favoritism has been vastly practiced for independent recruitment cases, it did disappear after President Xis anti-corruption campaign launched in the middle of 2013.


[作者简介] 冯阔,经济学博士,银河线路检测中心讲师,硕士导师,研究聚焦于国际贸易理论与政策、税制改革、资源与环境政策等问题。现兼任经济理论与可持续发展研究中心负责人、浙江省“八八战略”研究院研究员、国务院发展研究中心资环所课题组兼职研究员。先后于《经济研究》《世界经济》《经济科学》《资源科学》, Economic of Transition, Journal of Asian Economics, Singapore Economic Review, iScience(CELL子刊)等国内外权威杂志发表文章近20篇,主持厅局级至国家级横纵向课题多项,研究成果获中国国际贸易学会2022年度二等奖、浙江省国际贸易学会2022年度一等奖,多项研究报告为中共中央办公厅采纳。