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时间:2023-11-10来源:银河线路检测中心 作者:点击数:


主讲人:黄伟 银河线路检测中心

潘登 银河线路检测中心

主持人:王泽荣 银河线路检测中心




线上:腾讯会议ID 476-102-277


Estimation and testing of kink regression model


Kink regression model which assumes continuity at the threshold point has wide applications in statistics and economics. Existing estimation methods are obtained under a rather important assumption that the errors are mean independent of the threshold variable, namely, it is exogenous. However, endogeneity can arise as a result of omitted variables, lagged dependent threshold variable, measurement error and many other sources. In this paper, we consider the estimation and testing for the kink regression model with both endogenous threshold variable and regressors. We find that the 2SLS estimator of the threshold point is inconsistent. The continuity feature of the regression prompts us to try method based on the GMM principle using nonlinear instruments. We derive the asymptotic properties using a different way from the usual GMM estimators as the objective function is not smooth with respect to the threshold parameter. A sup-Wald test for the presence of kink effect is established and a bootstrap procedure to gain the p-values is introduced. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed estimator and testing procedure perform well. The proposed procedures is also illustrated with en empirical application.

[主讲人简介] 黄伟,经济学博士,银河线路检测中心讲师,主要研究方向为计量经济学理论。先后于《Computational Statistics》、《Metrika》、《Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods》、《系统工程理论与实践》等期刊发表多篇论文。





[主讲人简介] 潘登,经济学博士,银河线路检测中心教师,研究聚焦于数字技术与就业结构等。先后于《经济学动态》《经济学家》《浙江大学学报(人文社科版)》等期刊发表多篇论文,多次被《中国社会科学文摘》、《新华文摘》论点摘编,《人大复印资料》全文转载,参与多项国家级、省部级课题。参与《中国西部大开发发展报告(2017)》、《山海协作——促进区域协调发展的有效载体》等书籍的写作。