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时间:2013-03-25来源:银河线路检测中心 作者:点击数:

题 目:Equity or efficiency? A preference toward carbon intensity abatement in China






The economic reform in the past 30 years has allowed free market to lead the economic development. However, government still makes a key role in the energy sector in allocating the energy conservation and emission abatement. How does the government make an equity decision as a trade-off of the market efficiency? This is an unanswered question. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the government preference toward equity and efficiency. Using the provincial allocation data, together with the constructed equity index and efficiency index, we will estimate the weights for the equity and efficiency, controlling the other environmental variables. The findings will have significant policy implication. For instance, knowing the preference of equity and preference can help conducting cost-benefit analysis of energy conservation and emission abatement. This yields better energy policy toward future.

简介:魏楚,中国人民大学能源经济系副教授,经济学博士,德国洪堡学者。主要从事能源经济学、气候变化经济学等领域研究,在China Economic Review、Energy Policy、China & World Economy等SSCI期刊以及《管理世界》、《世界经济》、《数量经济技术经济研究》等国内期刊发表论文近30篇,研究成果曾获邹志庄最佳论文奖及省部级奖励多次;主持国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金、教育部社科基金各1项,曾赴法国、美国、瑞典、德国等多所大学及科研院所进行访问研究。