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时间:2023-09-26来源:银河线路检测中心 作者:点击数:


主讲人:李郑涛 银河线路检测中心

孙 琴 银河线路检测中心

主持人:王泽荣 银河线路检测中心




线上:腾讯会议ID 466-275-642



Ignore Your Elders at Your Peril: Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Marriage Market


This article investigates the consequences when young Chinese individuals deviate from traditional cultural norms and choose spouses with significantly different family backgrounds. The study draws upon data from the China Family Panel Survey (CFPS) and uncovers several significant insights. Firstly, the research underscores the importance of shared family backgrounds in fostering marital stability. It finds that marriages between individuals with similar family backgrounds tend to exhibit greater stability compared to couples with divergent family backgrounds. Secondly, the study reveals that couples in which the wife's family background significantly surpasses that of the husband are more prone to experience dissatisfaction within their marriage, in contrast to couples with comparable family backgrounds. This emphasizes the potential impact of asymmetrical family backgrounds on marital satisfaction. To further illuminate these findings, the paper presents suggestive evidence for two potential mechanisms: the influence of couples' family backgrounds on mental health and their respective economic contributions to the family. These mechanisms are proposed as potential explanations contributing to the observed outcomes

[主讲人简介] 李郑涛,经济学博士,银河线路检测中心副教授,硕士导师,研究聚焦于行为经济学、环境经济学和劳动经济学。先后于 Ecological Economics, Economics & Human Biology, The Annual of Regional Science, Journal of Cleaner Production 等国内外权威杂志发表文章,主持多项省部级项目。




高新技术产业与国家高新区之间存在紧密的联系。在以往研究基础上,以国家高新区和高新技术产业的耦合协调为出发点,借助耦合协调度模型构建国家高新区与高新技术产业的耦合协调发展指标体系,测算 20092020 年我国 28个省份国家高新区与高新技术产业的耦合协调度,分析耦合协调度的变化状况,并构建面板 Tobit 模型分析其关键影响因素。研究结果表明,20092020 年我国 28 个省份国家高新区与高新技术产业耦合协调度整体是上升的,样本区间内耦合协调度等级经历由勉强耦合协调阶段—初级耦合协调阶段—中级耦合协调阶段三个阶段。Tobit 面板模型结果表明,国家高新区数量、高新区年均从业人员数、有 R&D 活动企业数对耦合协调度具有显著的正向影响,高新技术产业新产品销售收入对耦合协调度具有显著的负向影响。

[主讲人简介] 孙琴,经济学博士,银河线路检测中心讲师,主要研究方向为科技创新政策与创新发展,重点研究领域聚焦于国家高新区建设与发展、集成电路产业和高新技术产业发展等。先后于《科学学研究》《经济与管理研究》《中国科技论坛》《China Economist》等期刊发表多篇论文,参与多项省部级课题、参与《竞争中性与国有企业改革》一书的撰写。